How would the bedroom of future look like? Let’s take a look at what Betta Living suggests about the appearance of a future bedroom. For those of you who are not aware of it, Betta Living is a bedroom furniture firm. Today’s post is about what Betta Living believes the future bedroom will feel and look like.

metallic colors and out of this word references to make furniture designs that are simply mind-blowing and unique. Perfect for any homeowner who desires decor that instantly makes an impression at first sight, these futuristic furniture pieces will surely make any interior space pop with individuality.
It seems like a regular room, with a minimal aesthetic and laminated wooden flooring. But at the touch of a button, the kitchen disappears. The dining table and chairs sink into the floor, while a king-sized bed descends from the ceiling and a cinema screen opens out of the wall. Home is a box of tricks that aims to offer a solution to the challenge of constrained living space in cities by transforming one room into five.
The 40 square meter studio apartment alternates between a lounge, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, and office, with storage space beneath the floors and a separate bathroom.

The concept is made possible by a network of counter-weights that moves furniture in and out of the walls, floor and ceiling on request. Moving parts are equipped with sensors to ensure they do not collide with the occupant. “I’ve been involved with theater and designing the stage for shows – the mechanics of stage scenery are magical,” says YO! Company founder Simon Woodroffe, who also created the popular sushi chain YO! Sushi. “I wanted to use mechanics to make a small studio apartment of around 400 square feet into three or four rooms, because otherwise these apartments are divided into tiny rooms with no space.” The design was first announced in 2012 and has gone through several prototypes since. Now, work is underway with developers to roll out the finished product in the northern English city of Manchester.

Here is more to love
Self-cleaning blankets, furniture that monitors your health, bedside holograms… all of these features and more could appear in the bedrooms of the future.

1. Self-cleaning/bacteria-resistant materials, i.e. mattresses with self-sterilisation systems (47%)
2. Heat/humidity adaptive materials, i.e. mattresses that heat/cool in response to conditions (42%)
3. Smart Bed monitoring your vital statistics as you sleep, i.e. warning you if you have an infection, oncoming cold or if you are about to have a heart attack (33%)
4. Seasonally adaptive lighting, i.e. lights that turn on in darker winter months to help you wake up in the morning (32%)
5. Energy-harvesting flooring and fixtures, i.e. carpet that attracts light and transfers this to usable energy (24%)
Some of the quirkier and more interesting responses from people, when asked what features they would like in their bedroom of the future (and bed specifically) were as follows:
A hologram of Mr Darcy to read to you
– Ambient sounds, e.g. falling asleep to rainfall, or waking to birdsong
– A bed that raises you to standing position on awakening
– Personally adapted supportive mattress to ensure the body wakes up without aches and pains

The survey, which interviewed 2,042 people across the UK, also found:
• 27% now surf the Internet in their bedrooms, compared to only 11% a decade ago
• 17% now talk on the phone in their bedrooms, compared to only 10% a decade ago
• 55% are intimate in the bedroom with their partner, compared to 65% a decade ago

Get a Blast of AC on a Summer Night
Air-conditioned beds are not a far-fetched idea any longer. The latest predictions, based on bed trends, show that future beds will feature customizable comfort zones with individual heat and air conditioning on each side. This goes far beyond mattress air flow and allows for a completely comfortable atmosphere that is based fully on the comfort level of the individual.